Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Videos of Mongolia

Recently I have had a few extra hours to make some videos. Take a look! 

Khatgal at Lake Hovsgol Northwest of Ulaanbaatar
The first is from photos and videos I took during the trip Kathy and I took to Lake Hovsgol this summer. The countryside was beautiful, the weather was cool but usually sunny, and our time with our friends Tom, who  lives there in Hatgal, and Munguu and Nergui was great. Mongolia is a wealth of beautiful scenery, interesting culture and amazing animals.

View from our Apartment in Ulaanbaatar, Looking West
This second video is of a series of photos I took from time to time from April, 2011 to September, 2012. They are all taken from one of the windows in the apartment Kathy and I live in. The view is looking west down Peace Avenue. The central building is Blue Sky Tower in the center of Ulaanbaatar where we live. I love to experiment with different art forms and try new things. The view from our windows is sometimes spectacular. You can also see the change of weather and seasons. If I had more time I  would do many other things, but here is one of them :)

View from our Apartment in Ulaanbaatar, Looking East
This is the same type of video, but looking east down Peace Avenue from our window. The sidewalk in the center of Peace Avenue is the walk I take to MIU each day.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

More from Lake Hovsgol !!

Here are some more photos of our trip to Lake Hovsgol and the town of Hatgal. In my last blog I showed some of the town life and the place where our friend Tom lives. This post shows some of the nature in the area, some of the animal life such as yaks, horses, goats, cows and so on. Also you can see the horse ride we went on towards the end of out time there. 

Great to be there!