Sunday, July 19, 2015

Good summer in Ulaanbaatar

Back in Ulaanbaatar! The summer is going well. It's nice to see friends and colleagues. And good to take some walks around the city. Our LEI English summer classes are going well. Smooth sailing :)

So you can see a few photos of the time Kathy and I had with our good friends Bernard and Hazel. I also attended a lovely wedding recently of my friends Uyango and Odbaatar. And you can see some of my friends, and a long walk I took south of the river Tuul on the south side of the city. Clear day :)

A little unreality haha

Bernard, Hazel and Kathy

Hazel, Kathy and Bernard at the Children's Park
A traditional music and dance preformance

A wood carving representing a girl and her horse in a special race.

The wedding of Uyango and Odbaatar

My friend Naranbaa and me

Our church cell group :)

Two friends and I went to a special performance at the city square celebrating Naadam, "The Games"

My walk along the Tuul River

Students and me at LEI
A farewell lunch for our teacher Nandia. We will miss her!


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Time in California

In June Kathy and I went to California. Our purpose was primarily to sell our home there. We have a buyer and it looks like all will work out just fine, thanks to the Lord who helps us in everything both small and big!

We also had time to enjoy time with friends and church family. One thing we did was do a 5K run and walk race to raise awareness of a condition know as pulmonary hypertension, a disease that is scarcely known but affects many people in the function of the lungs. It can often be fatal. Noel Holly, one of the members of Resurrection Life Church that Kathy and I used to be part of in California, has the disease and has been doing a great job to increase awareness of it. Way to go Noel!! 

We also went to a beach party for two young people in the church, Asher and Jerusa graduated from high school. We're so proud of them. 

I have come back to Mongolia. Kathy will come soon, after taking care of the last details of the house sale. She's going to visit her mom for a week, too, which will be so good for both her and her mom.

Here is Team Noel! Noel is in the yellow to the right.

That's Allison behind me. So dramatic, Allison!

Doug with the Special Tactics vehicle in case of emergency.

Way to go, Kathy!

Dave, Jonathan and little Timothy at one of the church meetings.

Noel's creative graduation cupcakes :)

Asher and Jerusa with their parents.